Louis Joel Poetry Pod

Welcome to the Louis Joel Poetry Podcast where we discuss all things poetry with your hosts Peter Roberts (Poet-in-Residence at LJAC), David Tredinnick (actor, playwright, raconteur, audio buff, archivist) & Colleen Murphy (writer, diversity champion, another raconteur). Each podcast will have interviews with poets, with people who convene poetry appreciation groups, with editors or producers of poetry magazines and with members of the community outlining some of their favourite (or least favourite) poems or song lyrics, and why.

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Thursday Nov 14, 2024

The Louis Joel Poetry Pod aims to be a forum for discussion about poetry, what people like and what they don’t and why. A strong emphasis is placed upon making poetry accessible and fun with a diverse range of writers, forms, media etc. Each podcast will have interviews with poets, with people who convene poetryappreciation groups, with editors or producers of poetry magazines and perhaps most importantly with members of the community outlining some of their favourite poems or song lyrics, and why etc. The latter is a segment we are calling Hobson’s Choice as it reflects our little beachside community in Altona in the Hobson Bay area just to the west of Melbourne, Australia’s CBD.
In our seventh episode we return to where we began, with Dave and Col interviewing Peter and taking a deep dive into three poems. Whilst this tends to be a serious adventure there is a place for humour – perhaps a different way of looking at some pertinent topics around diversity and a close examination of the part a certain piece of furniture plays in all our lives. This episode, unlike the last, is free of venereal disease.
Following this we are fortunate enough to be able to interview noted West Gippsland poet, Rodney Williams. He also provides three important poems of his as well as some genuinely educative insights into certain forms of poetry – most notably thetriolet and the villanelle.
Rodney and Peter have been great friends for decades and during that time have spent countless hours reading and discussing poetry, frequently with a glass of red in hand and a roaring fire.
Hobson’s Choice returns with an interview with Eloise Wilson who reads a poem from one of our favourites!
We would like to hear from you! As part of our Hobsons Choice segment, we would like to hear from you, even while we are on a break!  If you would like to be interviewed about a poem or if you just want to share your love of poetry, send us an email on ljacpoetry@gmail.com. Constructive criticism and praise are most welcomed!
Poems discussed in this episode:
West by Peter Roberts
The Spectrum Strikes Back by Peter Roberts
Bed by Peter Roberts...the near approach a bed may show of human bliss to human woe.Samuel Johnson
It is said that those who hate to go to bedfear death and those who hate to get upfear life. Still, he didn’t move in the lasersun of the morning. Her words had stunghim. ‘Don’t you get sick of saying thank you!Try doing something for yourself!’ He hadwanted to be a moving target instead of asitting duck. The bed wrapped its tentaclesaround him – like a refuge or a gaol.
This was the moment she adored as theopiates kicked in. She was blind-sided bythe diagnosis, shattered by the prognosis.The large window afforded her a view ofthe world in all its hues – moving slower,but vivid in a way she never imagined. Shewas fortunate it seemed . Managed pain,comfy bed. Her children were conceivedhere in joy. She wanted to do it all again!
It just felt so disparate, so wonderful.To be sure he had fantasised for manyyears about this evening, but convincedthat it would never occur. They had metsometime prior, but when the invitationcame he was shocked, elated, and full oftrepidation in one moment. After theydeparted he snuggled under the covers,a letter placed in an envelope, finally sent.
Case Moth by Rodney Williams
In a brotherless boyhoodI felt enthralled each timeI found the coveringto a case mothholding on tightto some fence or shedadhered and suspendedas a caterpillar set to pokea gleaming black helmet – headout of its cocoononly sometimesif I were luckyglimpsing that fat grubits moth seldom seen as wellsporting white wings spotted darkthis larva at times demeanedwhen labelled as a bagwormits casing camouflaged with twigsthat it could grow itselffrom this expanding sheathbrown as any shrub-barkwith so much of its lifespanspent in such a stateits best days comingbefore it maturedhiding itself whileprominently disguisedas a youngsterperhaps like meI’d wonder...
From Muir Woods to Walhalla
Beneath stage lights by Rodney WilliamsI am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be’- T.S. Eliot, ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’
It’s not my place to invent soliloquyOutside lines in a script, I don’t improviseBeneath stage lights I’m given a me to be
In no cutting-edge shows, far more repertoryWith bit-parts in classics again dramatisedIt’s not my role to present soliloquy
At best an understudy there’s no envyDespite hoping when young for signs in the skiesUnder spotlights it’s now cameos for me
An old hand in the corps of this companyWith its proscenium arch I don’t surmiseIt’s not my part to vent in soliloquy
The dressing-room mirror hears my own storyBefore make-up & costumes provide disguiseThrough follow-spots I’m given a me to be
With no statuette from an academyStill to tread these boards is my career’s gold prizeBeyond my scope float dreams of soliloquyBeneath stage lights I’ve still got a me to be
Credits: Hosts: Peter Roberts, David Tredinnick  Colleen Murphy Original music composed by Andrew Gilpin and Sam Price. Hobsons Choice Guest: Eloise WilsonPodcast Coordinator: Colleen MurphyEditor: David Tredinnick
Announcements: The Fortnightly Pier Poetry Group at Louis Joel Arts & Community, facilitated by Peter, is on at 11am on Fridays with the next meeting occurring on 29 November .Come along if you love talking poetry.  Email ljacpoetry@gmail.com to register your interest. 
Full Spring program of the Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre Programs & Events can be found here: 
This will be the final Louis Joel Poetry Podcast for 2024 as we take a break in December and January 2025.  We look forward to hearing from you over the break!
This Podcast has been supported by: 
Louis Joel Arts and Community 5 Sargood Street, Altona admin@ljac.com.au

Sunday Oct 13, 2024

The Louis Joel Poetry Pod aims to be a forum for discussion about poetry, what people like and what they don’t and why. A strong emphasis is placed upon making poetry accessible and fun with a diverse range of writers, forms, media etc. Each podcast will have interviews with poets, with people who convene poetry appreciation groups, with editors or producers of poetry magazines and perhaps most importantly with members of the community outlining some of their favourite poems or song lyrics, and why etc. 
The latter is a segment we are calling Hobson’s Choice as it reflects our little beachside community in Altona in the Hobson Bay area just to the west of Melbourne, Australia’s CBD. 
In our sixth episode we look at Children’s Poetry. This proves to be a fascinating journey with some wonderful rhymes and rhythms, but it also takes us to some dark places that we didn’t fully anticipate. On our way we hear a wonderful recording of a very young David Tredinnick tackling A A Milne, an unlikely connection to the Doobie Brothers and even, a slightly unwelcome, brush with Syphilis. ‘So were going on a Bear hunt, it’s going to be big one, be we’re not scared…. or at least Colleen and Peter aren’t, Dave conversely….
Hobson’s Choice returns with an interview with young brother Miles and Albert who read some of their favourite children’s poems
Poems and Lyrics discussed in this episode:
Otto The Loyal Long Dog Book by Lizzie Walkley
Jack and Jill - Wikipedia
Little Boy Blue by Eugene Field
Disobedience by A. A. Milne
The Owl and the Pussy-Cat by Edward Lear
Wynken, Blynken and Nod by The Doobie Brothers
Sunday Morning Coming Down lyrics by Kris Kristofferson
Magic by Miles Kendall Thompson
You may not believe in magic
you may believe fairies aren't real
but if Santa didn't exist
then presents wouldn't have a deal!
If the easter bunny was a myth
the world wouldn't have chocolate eggs!
you wouldn't run outside
with excitement in your legs!
If the tooth fairy wasn’t so real
you wouldn’t want to lose your teeth
you wouldn’t want adult ones
hiding underneath
So, let's say together
"I believe in them now!"
magic happens to those who trust
and you don't need to know how!
We would like to hear from you! 
As part of our 'Hobsons Choice' segment, we would like to hear from you! 
If you would like to be interviewed about a poem or if you just want to share your love of poetry, send us an email on ljacpoetry@gmail.com. Constructive criticism and praise are welcomed. 
Hosts: Peter Roberts, David Tredinnick & Colleen Murphy 
Original music composed by local Altona residents, Andrew Gilpin and Sam Price. 
'Hobsons Choice' Guest: Albert and Miles
Podcast Coordinator: Zoe Jones 
Editor: David Tredinnick
We were saddened this week to hear of the passing of the great Kris Kristofferson, who we regard as one of the great lyrical poets of country, or indeed, any music. We pay a bit of a homage to him by reading the lyrics of his fabulous song, Sunday Morning Coming Down. Certainly not Children’s Poetry but magnificent, nonetheless.
The Fortnightly Pier Poetry Group at Louis Joel Arts & Community, facilitated by Peter, is on at 11am on Fridays with the next meeting occurring on 18 October. Come along if you love talking poetry.  
Email ljacpoetry@gmail.com to register your interest. 
Full Spring program of the Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre Programs & Events can be found here: 2024 Spring Program
This will be the second last Louis Joel Poetry Podcast for 2024 as we take a break in December and January 2025. We will return in 2025, and the pod will then be available on Spotify and Apple.
This Podcast has been supported by: 
Louis Joel Arts and Community 
5 Sargood Street, Altona 

Monday Sep 16, 2024

The Louis Joel Poetry Pod aims to be a forum for discussion about poetry, what people like and what they don’t and why. A strong emphasis is placed upon making poetry accessible and fun with a diverse range of writers, forms, media etc. Each podcast will have interviews with poets, with people who convene poetry appreciation groups, with editors or producers of poetry magazines and perhaps most importantly with members of the community outlining some of their favourite poems or song lyrics, and why etc. 
The latter is a segment we are calling Hobson’s Choice as it reflects our little beachside community in Altona in the Hobson Bay area just to the west of Melbourne, Australia’s CBD. 
In our fifth episode we talk with the fascinating Zerafina Zara about her multifaceted artistic career as poet, songwriter, musician, dancer, vocal coach etc. with a particular focus on recent poetry she has written. Zerafina’s work demonstrates an observational dimension punctuated with emotion and humour. Not to be missed.
We also explore the work of the famous Scottish poet, Carol Ann Duffy. Duffy is much loved for her versability, humour and capacity to write from the perspective of historical characters, both famous and otherwise. She was the first women, the first Scot and the first openly same sex attracted person to become Poet Laureate of the UK!
Hobson’s Choice returns with an interview with Ciara who talks about Taylor Swift’s lyrics. Who said we are not contemporary!
Poems and Lyrics discussed in this episode:
Phone Rage by Zerafina Zara
Migraine by Zerafina Zara
Anger by Zerafina Zara
Waiting for the Rain by Zerafina Zara
Warming Her Pearls by Carol Ann Duffy
Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy
We Remember Your Childhood Well by Carol Ann Duffy
Last Post by Carol Ann Duffy
The Lakes lyrics by Taylor Swift
Shake It Off by Taylor Swift
We would like to hear from you! 
As part of our 'Hobsons Choice' segment, we would like to hear from you! 
If you would like to be interviewed about a poem or if you just want to share your love of poetry, send us an email on ljacpoetry@gmail.com. Constructive criticism and praise are welcomed. 
Hosts: Peter Roberts, David Tredinnick & Colleen Murphy 
Original music composed by local Altona residents, Andrew Gilpin and Sam Price. 
Podcast Guest: Zerafina Zara
'Hobsons Choice' Guest: Ciara Duffy-Quinn
Podcast Coordinator: Zoe Jones 
The fortnightly Pier Poetry Group at Louis Joel Arts & Community, facilitated by Peter, is on at 11am on Fridays with the next meeting occurring on 20 September. Come along if you love talking poetry.  Email ljacpoetry@gmail.com to register your interest. 
Full Spring Program of the Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre Programs & Events can be found here
Our guest from episode 4, Louise Karch, has a book First Aid for Fairies – From Rain to Rainbows which is currently available at Just for the Health of It at 73 Anderson Street, Yarraville and Louis Joel Arts & Community.
We have a limited number of free copies which we will provide to people who send a brief piece of poetry or prose on the subject of wellbeing to ljacpoetry@gmail.com.
This Podcast has been supported by: 
Louis Joel Arts and Community 
5 Sargood Street, Altona 

Monday Aug 19, 2024

The Louis Joel Poetry Pod aims to be a forum for discussion about poetry, what people like and what they don’t and why. A strong emphasis is placed upon making poetry accessible and fun with a diverse range of writers, forms, media etc. Each podcast will have interviews with poets, with people who convene poetry appreciation groups, with editors or producers of poetry magazines and perhaps most importantly with members of the community outlining some of their favourite poems or song lyrics, and why etc. 
The latter is a segment we are calling Hobsons' Choice as it reflects our little beachside community in Altona in the Hobsons Bay area just to the west of Melbourne, Australia’s CBD. 
In our fourth episode we talk with the fascinating Louise Karch about her current book, First Aid for Fairies – From Rain to Rainbows. This is a fabulous publication for young people about strategies for resilience written largely in iambic pentameter! Louise Karch, M. Ed is an uplifting speaker and award-winning author of Word Glue and co –author of The Carbon Almanac. She has spoken from the Arctic to Auckland advising professionals, educators and emerging leaders on a wide range of issues relating to wellbeing and leadership.  
We also discuss the concept of applied poetry and how verse can help us to understand people, their circumstances and much more. Are we using the right terminology? Perhaps or perhaps not but poetry has a great capacity to help us learn, understand and respect all manner of life experience. That’s why we love it!  
Hobsons’ Choice returns with an interview with Piper Bushby who talks about the poem Warning by Jenny Joseph.
Poems and Lyrics discussed in this episode:
⁠In Plain Sight Book by Shaun Austin⁠
⁠Not Waving but Drowning by Stevie Smith⁠
⁠Morning Song by Sylvia Plath⁠
⁠Warning by Jenny Joseph⁠
We would like to hear from you! 
As part of our Hobsons' Choice segment, we would like to hear from you! 
If you would like to be interviewed about a poem or if you just want to share your love of poetry, send us an email on ljacpoetry@gmail.com. Constructive criticism and praise are welcomed. 
Hosts: Peter Roberts, David Tredinnick & Colleen Murphy 
Original music composed by local Altona residents, Andrew Gilpin and Sam Price. 
Podcast Guest: Louise Karch
Hobsons' Choice Guest: Piper Bushby
Podcast Coordinator: Zoe Jones 
The Fortnightly Pier Poetry Group at Louis Joel Arts & Community, facilitated by Peter, is on at 11am on Fridays with the next meeting occurring on 23 August. Come along if you love talking poetry. Email ljacpoetry@gmail.com to register your interest. 
Full winter program of the Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre Programs & Events can be found here: ⁠⁠Winter Program 2024⁠⁠ 
Louise Karch’s book First Aid for Fairies – From Rain to Rainbows is currently available at Just for the Health of It at ⁠73 Anderson Street, Yarraville, Melbourne VIC 3013⁠ and the Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre. Global preorders are coming soon.
This Podcast has been supported by: 
Louis Joel Arts and Community 
5 Sargood Street, Altona 

Sunday Jul 21, 2024

The Louis Joel Poetry Pod aims to be a forum for discussion about poetry, what people like and what they don’t and why. A strong emphasis is placed upon making poetry accessible and fun with a diverse range of writers, forms, media etc. Each podcast will have interviews with poets, with people who convene poetry appreciation groups, with editors or producers of poetry magazines and perhaps most importantly with members of the community outlining some of their favourite poems or song lyrics, and why etc.
The latter is a segment we are calling Hobson’s Choice as it reflects our little beachside community in Altona in the Hobson Bay area just to the west of Melbourne, Australia’s CBD.
In our third episode we take the opportunity to take a deep dive into the poetry of William Carlos Williams and it is not all smooth sailing, with a variety of opinions about the three poems considered as well as the value of stone fruit in general.  
We also have an interview with one of our great local poets, Nicole Hawke and discuss not just her work and the process she employs but also her experience of the value of writer’s groups.
Hobson’s Choice returns interviews with a
couple of community members who talk about poems and song lyrics by Leonard Cohen and Terrica Strudwick
Poems and Lyrics discussed in this episode:
The Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams
This Is Just To Say by William Carlos Williams
Danse Russe by William Carlos Williams
'Suzanne' Lyrics⁠ by Leonard Cohen
The Ancient Land by Terrica Strudwick
Poems by Nicole Hawke
Sangria Roses with Cherry Wine
© Nicole Hawke, Published Anthology 2023
Crimson rose petals scattered
Across marble bench top
Some flow onto the floor
As the breeze blows through flywire
Each rose critically picked
Every thorn cautiously removed
Then bound in ruby ribbon
Hoped like hell you were inspired
Bold, obvious to arouse
Lips dashed a sharp scarlet
Burgundy négligée straps dangling down
Prancing, romancing ‘round your fire.
Lead you deep, deep inside my love
Burning blaze of kisses laid all over
Candy-apple nails trace down your spine
Never, ever will you stop or tire.
I will lay you on that bed of roses
Drip merlot down your middle
Lay beside you, lick it, make you blush
Promise, you are my only desire.
© Nicole Hawke, 6 January 2020
A ladybug landed on my hand
As a photo was snapped on your mother’s land
Overlooking Thirroul is where she rests
Atop the clifftop at the end of the walk
Where you and I journey but barely talk
Encircling you now; rest on my breast.
New Chapter
© Nicole Hawke, Published Anthology 2019
So unfair
New clothes
Different hair.
Forced to as
A horrid past
Messed up cyclone
Falling apart.
Stirring to newness
With goodness and care
Hope for a breakthrough
Above rainbow glare.
Not making sense
As days go bye-byes
But, give it time
Clear away the lies.
We would like to hear from you!
As part of our 'Hobsons Choice' segment, we would like to hear from you! If you would like to be interviewed about a poem or if you just want to share your love of poetry, send us an email on ljacpoetry@gmail.com. Constructive criticism and praise are welcomed
Hosts: Peter Roberts, David Tredinnick & Colleen Murphy
Original music composed by local Altona residents; Andrew Gilpin and Sam Price
Guest: Nicole Hawke
'Hobsons Choice' Guests: Cara King and Jona Eselaye David
Podcast Coordinator: Zoe Jones
The Fortnightly Poetry Group at Louis Joel Arts & Community, facilitated by Peter, is on at 11am on Fridays with the next meeting occurring on 26th July. Come along if you love talking poetry
At 5 Sargood Street, Altona 3028
Email ljacpoetry@gmail.com to register your interest
Full winter program of the Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre Programs & Events can be found here: ⁠Winter Program 2024⁠
This Podcast has been supported by
Louis Joel Arts and Community
5 Sargood Street, Altona

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

The Louis Joel Poetry Pod aims to be a forum for discussion about poetry, what people like and what they don’t and why. A strong emphasis is placed upon making poetry accessible and fun with a diverse range of writers, forms, media etc. Each podcast will have interviews with poets, with people who convene poetry appreciation groups, with editors or producers of poetry magazines and perhaps most importantly with members of the community outlining some of their favourite poems or song lyrics, and why etc.
The latter is a segment we are calling Hobson’s Choice as it reflects our little beachside community in Altona in the Hobson Bay area just to the west of Melbourne, Australia’s CBD.
In our second episode (and they said it wouldn’t last) we get the opportunity to interview Ms Karen Ingram and find out all about the Louis Joel Arts + Community Centre, as well as Mr Joel himself. It’s quite a story!
We also discuss the use of poetry in film (as flagged in the first episode) with reference to poems by Auden, A.E Housman, Dr Seuss and perhaps predictably, some powerful parts of Dead Poet’s Society.
Hobson’s Choice includes interviews with a couple of community members who talk about poems and song lyrics by Wordsworth, Nick Cave and Kahil Gibran
Poems and Lyrics discussed in this episode:
Higgs Boson Blues by Nick Cave
On Joy and Sorrow – Kahil Gibran
To An Athlete Dying Young by A.E.Housman
Funeral Blues by W.H.Auden
The Lorax by Dr Seuss
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud – William Wordsworth
We would like to hear from you!
As part of our 'Hobsons Choice' segment, we would like to hear from you!
If you would like to be interviewed about a poem or if you just want to share your love of poetry, send us an email on ljacpoetry@gmail.com. Constructive criticism and praise are welcomed.
Hosts: Peter Roberts, David Tredinnick & Colleen Murphy
Original music composed by local Altona residents, Andrew Gilpin and Sam Price.
'Hobsons Choice' Guests: Karen Ingram (LJAC Centre Manager), Kate Heine, Andrew Gilpin
Podcast Coordinator: Zoe Jones
The Fortnightly Poetry Group at Louis Joel Arts & Community, facilitated by Peter, is on at 11am on the following Fridays:
28 June | 12 July | 26 July
At 5 Sargood Street, Altona 3028
Email ljacpoetry@gmail.com to register your interest.
Wildlife & Native Flora of Hobsons Bay Community Exhibition:
On display in the art room at the community centre at 5 Sargood street, Altona. These works are open to the public:
12, 13 & 14 July
19, 20 & 21 July
26, 27 & 28 July
Full winter program of the Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre Programs & Events can be found here: Winter Program 2024
This Podcast has been supported by:
Louis Joel Arts and Community
5 Sargood Street, Altona

Thursday May 23, 2024

The Louis Joel Poetry Pod aims to be a forum for discussion about poetry, what people like and what they don’t and why. A strong emphasis is placed upon making poetry accessible and fun with a diverse range of writers, forms, media etc. Each podcast will have interviews with poets, with people who convene poetry appreciation groups, with editors or producers of poetry magazines and perhaps most importantly with members of the community outlining some of their favourite poems or song lyrics, and why etc. The latter is a segment we are calling Hobson’s Choice as it reflects our little beachside community in Altona in the Hobson Bay area just to the west of Melbourne, Australia’s CBD.
This first episode is introductory giving the listener a chance to meet the presenters, Peter Roberts (Poet-in-Residence at LJAC), David Tredinnick (actor, playwright, raconteur, audio buff, archivist) & Colleen Murphy (writer, diversity champion, another raconteur) and get a sense of how future episodes will be structured and what topics they will cover.
Tune in next Full Moon on 22nd June for the release of our 2nd episode!
Poetry Discussed in this episode:
Ample Make This Bed by Emily Dickenson
Ample make this Bed —Make this Bed with Awe —In it wait till Judgment breakExcellent and Fair.Be its Mattress straight —Be its Pillow round —Let no Sunrise' yellow noiseInterrupt this Ground —
Y Niwl by one of our hosts Peter Roberts © 2024
Y Niwl means the fog in Welsh Gaelic
For the Celts, my stock,
the fog made all unaware
of time.
Today the high country
in Omeo is cloaked in cloud.
Smokey greys and green.
No sharp lines. No bird song.
No way to see beyond
this valley - my old mate’s
home and hearth. He loved
the air. He is scattered here
over crags, creeks and gullies.
Will it snow? Perhaps tonight.
Perhaps tomorrow. Who would
know or care? When mists persist
we remain happily adjourned.
Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll
’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves      Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:All mimsy were the borogoves,      And the mome raths outgrabe.“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!      The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun      The frumious Bandersnatch!”
Hosts: Peter Roberts, David Tredinnick & Colleen Murphy
Original music composed by local Altona residents, Andrew Gilpin and Sam Price.
'Hobsons Choice' Guest: Martin from Altona.
We would like to hear from you!
As part of our 'Hobsons Choice' segment, we would like to hear from you!
If you would like to be interviewed about a poem or if you just want to share your love of poetry, send us an email on ljacpoetry@gmail.com
The Fortnightly Poetry Group at Louis Joel Arts & Community, facilitated by Peter, is on at 11am on the following Fridays:
31st May | 14th June | 28th June
At 5 Sargood Street, Altona 3028
Email ljacpoetry@gmail.com to register your interest.
New Poetry Magazine!
Catchment Poetry of Place, produced by Baw Baw Arts Alliance, West Gippsland
Editor: Rod Williams
Next edition comes out 21st June.
More info: bawbawartsalliance.org.au
This Podcast has been supported by:
Louis Joel Arts and Community
5 Sargood Street, Altona

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